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34. J.M. Sellier,
"Could the Hilbert Space Be a Smaller Place? A Neural Network Perspective", (2019).

33. J.M. Sellier, G. Marceau Caron, J. Leygonie,
"Signed particles and neural networks, Towards efficient simulations of quantum systems",
Journal of Computational Physics, (2018).

32. J.M. Sellier, J. Leygonie, G. Marceau Caron,
"Combining neural networks and signed particles to simulate quantum systems more efficiently, Part II",
https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.00082, (2018).

31. J.M. Sellier,
"Combining Neural Networks and Signed Particles to Simulate Quantum Systems More Efficiently",
https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10940, Physica A, (2017).

30. J.M. Sellier, K.G. Kapanova,
"A Study of Entangled Systems in the Many-Body Signed Particle Formulation of Quantum Mechanics",
arXiv: 1705.00878 [quant-ph], International journal of quantum chemistry, (2017).

29. J.M. Sellier, K.G. Kapanova,
"On the Hydrogen Atom Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation",
arXiv:1704.06113 [quant-ph], International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, (2017).

28. J.M. Sellier, K.G. Kapanova, I. Dimov,
"A cellular automaton for the signed particle formulation of quantum mechanics",
Physica A, Elsevier, (2016).

27. J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov,
"On a Full Monte Carlo Approach to Quantum Mechanics",
Physica A, Elsevier, (2016).

26. J.M. Sellier, D.Y. Ivanova, I. Dimov,
"A study on quantum similarity in the phase space",
Physica A, Elsevier, (2016).

25. S. Shao, J.M. Sellier,
"Comparison of deterministic and stochastic methods fortime-dependent Wigner simulations",
Journal of Computational Physics, (2015).

24. J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov,
"Wigner functions, signed particles, and the harmonic oscillator",
Journal of Computational Electronics, (2015).

23. J.M. Sellier, D.Y. Ivanova, I. Dimov,
"Molecular descriptors and quasi-distribution functions",
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.06.037, (2015).

22. J.M. Sellier,
"A Signed Particle Formulation of Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics",
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 297, Pages 254–265, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2015.05.036, (2015).

21. J.M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov,
"An introduction to applied quantum mechanics in the Wigner Monte Carlo formalism",
Physics Reports, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157315001982, (2015).

20. J.M. Sellier, R.F. Sviercoski, I. Dimov,
"On the Wigner Monte Carlo Method Coupled to Pseudopotential Models",
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathemics, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037704271500045X, (2015).

19. J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov,
"Toward Solotronics Design in the Wigner Formalism",
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, pp. 287-296, (2015).

18. J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov,
"On the simulation of indistinguishable fermions in the many-body Wigner formalism",
Journal of Computational Physics,DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2014.09.026, (2014).

17. J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov,
"A sensitivity study of the Wigner Monte Carlo method",
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2014.09.010, (2014).

16. Jean Michel Sellier, Mihail Nedjalkov, Ivan Dimov, Siegfried Selberherr,
"The Multi-Dimensional Transient Challenge: The Wigner Particle Approach",
Invited Talk: International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Paris, France; in Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2013), (2014).

15. M. Van de Put, M. Thewissen, W. Magnus, B. Soree, J.M. Sellier,
"Spectral force approach to solve the time-dependent Wigner-Liouville equation",
Poster: International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Paris, France; in Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2013), (2014).

14. J.M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, S. Selberherr,
"A comparison of Approaches for the Solution of the Wigner Equation",
DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2014.06.001, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, (2014).

13. Jean Michel Sellier, Ivan Dimov,
"The many-body Wigner Monte Carlo Method for time-dependent Ab-initio quantum simulations",
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2014.05.039, Journal of Computational Physics, (2014).

12. Jean Michel Sellier, Ivan Dimov,
"The Wigner-Boltzmann Monte Carlo method applied to electron transport in the presence of a single dopant",
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2014.05.013, Computer Physics Communications, (2014).

11. Jean Michel Sellier, Ivan Dimov,
"A Wigner Monte Carlo approach to density functional theory",
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2014.03.065, Journal of Computational Physics, (2014).

10. Jean Michel Sellier, Ivan Dimov,
"A Wigner approach to the study of wave packets in ordered and disordered arrays of dopants",
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2014.03.065, (2014).

9. Jean Michel Sellier, Mihail Nedjalkov, Ivan Dimov, Siegfried Selberherr,
"A benchmark study of the Wigner Monte Carlo method",
Monte Carlo Methods Appl., De Gruyter, DOI 10.1515/mcma-2013-0018, (2014).

8. J.M. Sellier, S.M. Amoroso, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr, A. Asenov, I. Dimov,
"Electron Dynamics in Nanoscale Transistors by Means of Wigner and Boltzmann Approaches",
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2013.12.045.

7. J. M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, and S. Selberherr,
"Decoherence and time reversibility: The role of randomness at interfaces",
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 174902 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4828736.

6. J. M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, S. Selberherr,
"Two-dimensional Transient Wigner Particle Model",
Talk: International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-05; in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4673-5733-3; 404 - 407.

5. S. Amoroso, L. Gerrer, A. Asenov, J. M. Sellier, I. Dimov, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr,
"Quantum Insights in Gate Oxide Charge-Trapping Dynamics in Nanoscale MOSFETs",
Talk: International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-05; in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4673-5733-3; 25 - 28.

4. J.M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, S. Selberherr,
"The Role of Annihilation in a Wigner Monte Carlo Approach",
Talk: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC), Sozopol, Bulgaria; 2013-06-03 - 2013-06-07; in: Abstracts International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC), (2013), 78.

3. P.Schwaha, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr, J.M. Sellier, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva,
"Stochastic Alternative to Newton's Acceleration",
Talk: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC), Sozopol, Bulgaria; 2013-06-03 - 2013-06-07; in Abstracts International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC), (2013), 77 - 78.

2. P. Schwaha, J. M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, S. Selberherr,
"The Ultimate Equivalence Between Coherent Quantum and Classical Regimes",
Poster: International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Nara, Japan; 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-07; in Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2013), (2013), ISBN: 978-3-901578-26-7; 152 - 153.

1. M. Nedjalkov, P. Schwaha, S. Selberherr, J.M. Sellier, D. Vasileska,
"Wigner Quasi-Particle Attributes: An Asymptotic Perspective",
Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 163113, (2013).

If you are interested in nano-archimedes, you have questions or suggestions, you want to know more about the code, please, do not hesitate to contact us!

(C) 2012-2025, Jean Michel Sellier.